Hit Counter

Easily count hits on a website by requesting a svg that displays a hit count.


Get the Image for the Page It's On

If you want to get the hit count image for a page you can edit and you want to count, add this line:

                            <img src="/count/tag.svg" alt="Hits">

Generate SVG Code For A Different Website

Selected Hit Counter

Image Tag




Top 10 Domains Using This By Views

Domain Total Hits Counted
hits.directvoip.co.uk 223 7
github.com 3
ip26.ip-51-195-128.eu 2 2
hits.directvoip.co.uk:8080 1


This site allows you to request for a svg file that displays views for a url. This url can either be passed as a query parameter or the referrer (or referer) value in the header will be used.

These is also a small method to prevent the refresh count increase issue (if you want to call it an issue, I see it as annoying) which uses cookies.

This makes is very easy too keep track of views on static sites like Github Pages. (can also be uses on non-static sites as a general counter)

The source code of this server can be found at github.com/brentvollebregt/hit-counter.